Throughout the trailer a number of props where used to be more creative in the scene and make the film seem more realistic and true to life. Here are the main props that where used.
Spray paint can and Deodorant can:
As the film is primarily based around graffiti this is a major prop in the film and is used within many of the scenes. Two empty cans of spray paint where used and one can of deodorant, the deodorant was used as a visual effect to make it seem like he was actually spraying graffiti onto a wall when in actual fact no damage was done. The empty cans of spray paint are to be filmed in separate scenes and once put together it will appear as though he was vandalising the wall.
Fake Gun:
For the scene that involved a gun we used a Playstation 2 light gun with the wires cut off. This appears on camera very realistic and close to the real thing. We thought it best to use this rather than some sort of cap gun as this would have made too much noise and possibly distressed passing pedestrians.
We needed a car for the drive by scene so the shooter could remain anonymous, one of our friends volunteered his car and we where happy to accept as he is a safe experienced driver. There was one worry during the car scene because after the shooting we needed a quick get away which involved wheel spin, we where only going to attempt this part of the scene once as it is loud and may disturb people.
Camera Flash:
The camera flash is needed for the drive by seen also, the flash went off from within the car and was to replicate the flash of a gun. Because this scene was filmed at night the flash stood out alot and was used to good effect.
Flour was needed in one scene to create the effect of cocaine, it was wrapped in sellotape and exchanged between two people. We where cautious when filming this scene because people may think that it is the real drug and we notified by standers that it was just flour.
A cigarette is used in one scene to establish a character into the film, he blows smoke from the cigarette into the camera, it is also used in another scene where to characters are seen walking over a small bridge and one character is holding a cigarette. The use of the cigarette fits into the gang image and culture.
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